#LentVoices: Leaving and Wild Things
I wonder where your wild places are? Often biblically the wilderness is a place of wandering, the hard, barren places. For Hagar, within her wilderness escape the question was “where are you coming from and where are you going” (Genesis 16:7-11), the same may be imagined for the Israelites in their Exodus pilgrimage. The in-between spaces that were so important to the story.
What if the wilderness doesn't offer a picture of barrenness but a place of dwelling deeper. Those questions of journey and direction, the points we have come too far but not reached our destination.
I wonder how it looked in the wilderness to be ‘with’ the wild animals’?
Sadly, many of the wild animals Jesus may have lived amongst have become extinct –but, in the rocky landscape, there would be reptiles scurrying and predators prowling. Amongst these animals, Jesus was.
There is no sense of His dwelling disturbing them or that He or they were uncomfortable in each others company. As I reflect on international perspectives and how our worldview can affect our acceptance there is a sense of Jesus modelling to us the image of becoming an ‘incarnational guest’. He was invited in although different, no questions of what He could add or His purpose but accepted or tolerated as part of the place. He was not in a place He fit into, between two points on a physical and spiritual journey yet He was ‘with’ all that were in the space.
At the thresholds before you in this Lenten journey I wonder who you might meet in the wilderness of ‘in-between’? I wonder who or what the wild things around you look like and if you are 'with' them?
(#LentVoices -We are a diverse group of Christian freelancers who have collaborated to curate daily reflections during Lent. Each week will have a theme, explored 6 different ways on 6 days.
Mark Berry – Pioneer, Teacher, Speaker and Poet. Mark helps groups and individuals break boundaries, engage with culture and grow community. https://www.mark-berry.co.uk/ https://picturapoesis.blog/
Andy Campbell – Coach, Trainer, Artist, Poet and occasional square peg. Andy helps people work out who they are, and what their next step might be. https://qawah.co.uk
James Fox Robinson – Creative, 3rd Order Franciscan, Dreamer, Professional Nuisance. James is passionate about curating spaces for people to engage with God’s story, physically and digitally. www.jamesfoxrobinson.blog https://bit.ly/3akNVzR
Hasna Khatun – Ordained Pioneer Minister in the C of E. Teacher and Professional Actor/Presenter/Voiceover. Hasna lives to eat and laugh sparingly… She’d like to write an alternative script for Barbie, Ken and Cindy and adores the people who don’t fit in. www.linkedin.com/in/hasna-khatun-b0941b204/
Sally Nash – Author, Researcher, Educator, Priest, Mentor, Spiritual Accompanier. Sally is passionate about helping people fulfil their potential and make a bigger difference in their world. www.sallynash.co.uk)