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Coronations, Celebrations, Ice Cream and Buckets

Some people can't wait to get their flag out, whilst others were full in avoidance mode. But it has been wonderful to see the variety of places and spaces the Muddy Church coronation material was used. With two trails and a range of crafts it seems there were lots of ideas for people to use and adapt, plus opportunities to care for our communities with litter picks.

Hadleigh Farm had huge bows and smiles, St Alkmunds in Derby ended their time with a delicious Just-Ice ice cream. There were salt dough crowns, nature crowns, cardboard crowns and fabric crowns. I particularly loved "Bugingham Palace"!

Mary Judkins (in Cornwall) used her Messy Church Goes Wild buckets to share the adventures. Whilst I was inside (not in Cornwall) and used some of the reflections and activities at our Cafe Church.

What is noticeable about these photos and places is the connection to people, communities, the different ages and the smiles. I reflected on Matthew 22 and the wedding feast... wondering about who is invited and who is welcome.

My hope is always that whatever way you use the resources, wherever in the world you may be, they offer an opportunity to remind everyone that God loves and welcomes them.


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