Spy Wednesday - Wonderful Wednesday
Matthew 26
There are so many things in this chapter that make us think but as we walk through Holy Week the 'official' title of today has to be my favourite - Spy Wednesday!
Today we think about Judas choosing to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.... did ever so little have so much value?
The options for thinking activities today are massive - apart from the obvious Eye Spy-a-thon all day (yes, that would drive you mad!) you can prepare for the Easter egg hunts with hidden coins around the garden, house, neighbourhood, wherever. We have a pot of play coins but my dodgy maths makes me think if you used 5p's this would only be £1.50 and then you could ask the question what would you swap it for?
I used to love those bran barrels at school fayre's where there were hidden lollipops and you could make your own version of this with a box, some fillings/shredding and hide some coins - or more fun would be a box of mud!!!
The other important story is the beautiful tale of Mary who came into the party and broke her jar and anointed Jesus. It's a bit early in the year for making rose petal perfume but you could make a saltdough jar. May we be as foolish as Mary today and everyday!
Saltdough Recipe:
1 cup of flour (sorry we got our measuring spoons from American friends!!)
1/2 cup of salt
1/2 cup of warm water
Mix it together adding water gradually to make sure it doesn't end up too sticky.
Then roll and shape it to your jar
Bake it in the oven at about 180 degrees. Timing will depend on the thickness and size!