All the resources in one place, ready to go - no more searching, printing and waiting!
sorry this has now sold out!
We want to make the resources available to everyone and so we always offer them for free. BUT we know it costs to print out and prepare the resources and lots of people have asked to have them ready made... so here they are!
For the first time we are offering this MASSIVE resource set as a complete pack.
A softback A4 book with images printed on one side of glossy paper (recycled where possible). So choose your pack and rip it out!
A double sided A2 glossy reflection poster - suitable for groups and display.
Two A6 Wondering Postcards - suitable for reflection prompts or encouragement
TEN Wonder cards - small cards that can be given to people to add their own reflections or wonderings.
Included in the book are all the resources - 4 complete trails and activities, Wondering sheets, Reflection sheets, Craft ideas and wondering spaces that can be cut out or copied for use over again.